Here are some examples of how to write some simple queries. Examples for more complex queries can be found lower in this page.
You can specify any of these fields like field:value in the search box, to search on them. You can also abbreviate the field name, as long as your abbreviation matches only one field name. So, for example, searching on stat:VERIFIED will find all bugs in the VERIFIED status. Some fields have multiple names, and you can use any of those names to search for them.
For custom fields, they can be used and abbreviated based on the part of their name after the cf_ if you'd like, in addition to their standard name starting with cf_. So for example, cf_ictpa_2018 can be referred to as ictpa_2018, also. However, if this causes a conflict between the standard Bugzilla field names and the custom field names, the standard field names always take precedence.
Field | Field Name(s) For Search |
%Complete | percentage_complete |
Alias | alias |
Anno fine evento | cf_data_fine_evento_rdc |
Anno inizio evento | cf_data_inizio_evento_rdc |
Assignee | assigned_to, assignee, owner |
Assignee Real Name | assigned_to_realname |
Attachment data | attachmentdata, attachdata |
Attachment description | attachmentdesc, attachdesc, attachment |
Attachment mime type | attachmentmimetype, attachmimetype |
Blocks | blocked |
Bug ID | bug_id |
case rifugio 2020 | cf_case_rifugio_2020 |
CC | cc |
Changed | delta_ts |
Classification | classification |
Comment | description, longdesc, comment |
Comment Tag | comment_tag |
Commenter | commenter |
Component | component |
Content | content |
Creation date | creation_ts |
Days since bug changed | days_elapsed |
Deadline | deadline |
Depends on | dependson |
Ever confirmed | everconfirmed |
Fase di attività | cf_ambiente |
Flag Requestee | requestee |
Flag Setter | setter |
Flags | flag |
Group | group |
Hardware | platform |
Hours Left | remaining_time |
Hours Worked | work_time |
Keywords | keywords, kw |
Last Visit | last_visit_ts |
Orig. Est. | estimated_time |
OS | op_sys, os |
Personal Tags | tag |
Priority | priority |
Product | product |
QA Contact | qa_contact |
QA Contact Real Name | qa_contact_realname |
Reporter | reporter |
Reporter Real Name | reporter_realname |
Resolution | resolution |
See Also | see_also |
Settimana fine evento | cf_settimana_fine_evento_rdc |
Settimana inizio evento | cf_settimana_inizio_evento_rdc |
Severity | severity |
Sezione questionario | cf_sezioni |
sezioni del questionario | cf_simulazione2 |
Sezioni del questionario | cf_cef_rd_2024 |
Sezioni del questionario AVQ | cf_avq_2019 |
Sezioni del questionario Biblioteche - 2022 | cf_biblio_2022 |
Sezioni del questionario CEF 2021 - CAWI | cf_cef_2021 |
Sezioni del questionario Censimento imprese 2022 | cf_cens_imprese_2022 |
Sezioni del questionario Eusilc - 2022 | cf_eusilc_2022 |
Sezioni del questionario Eusilc - 2023 | cf_eusilc_2023 |
Sezioni del questionario Eusilc - 2024 | cf_eusilc_2024 |
Sezioni del questionario FSS 2024 | cf_fss_2024 |
Sezioni del questionario LGBT 2020 e 2021 | cf_lgbt_2020 |
Sezioni del questionario LGBT+ 2023 | cf_lgbt_2023 |
Sezioni del questionario Produzione libraria 2023 | cf_prod_lib_2023 |
Sezioni del questionario Sicurezza dei Cittadini - 2022 | cf_sicurezza_cittadini_22 |
Sezioni del Questionario sui Dottori di Ricerca | cf_dottori_ricerca |
Sezioni del questionario sul Contoterzismo Agromeccanico | cf_contoterzismo_agro |
Sezioni del Sistema gestionale SGI | cf_avq_2025_sgi |
Sezioni del Test APP AVQ 2024 CORRENTE | cf_app_avq |
Sezioni del Test APP AVQ 2024 PILOTA | cf_app_avq_pilota |
Sezioni del test SGI | cf_avq_2024_sgi |
Sezioni DOTTORI | cf_sezioni_dottori |
Sezioni questionario | cf_dati_ambientali_rif_2019 |
Sezioni Questionario | cf_rs1_2020 |
sezioni questionario | cf_biblioteche |
Sezioni questionario 2019 | cf_sezioni_fdl_2019_pilota |
Sezioni questionario MUSEI 2022 | cf_musei_2022 |
Sezioni questionario pilota FDL CATI 2020 | cf_fdl_pilota_cati_2020 |
Status | status |
Summary | short_desc, summary |
Target Milestone | target_milestone, milestone |
Tecnica CAPI | cf_tecnica_capi_rdc |
Tecnica CATI | cf_tecnica_cati_rdc |
Tester per maxtest | cf_tester_maxtest |
Time Since Assignee Touched | owner_idle_time |
Trimestre fine evento | cf_campo_trimestre__fine_evento_rdc |
Trimestre inizio evento | cf_campo_trimestre_inizio_evento_gdb |
URL | url |
Version | version |
versione del browser | cf_versione_browser_mobilita |
Versione del questionario | cf_versione_del_questionario_cis |
Versione Questionario | cf_versione_questionario |
Whiteboard | whiteboard, sw |
You cannot use | nor OR to enumerate possible values for a given field. You must use commas instead. So field:value1,value2 does what you expect, but field:value1|value2 would be treated as field:value1 OR value2, which means value2 is not bound to the given field.
OR has higher precedence than AND; AND is the top level operation. For example:
Searching for url|location bar|field -focus means (url OR location) AND (bar OR field) AND (NOT focus)
In addition to using field names to search specific fields, there are certain characters or words that you can use as a "shortcut" for searching certain fields:
Field | Shortcut(s) |
Status | Make the first word of your search the name of any status, or even an abbreviation of any status, and bugs in that status will be searched. ALL is a special shortcut that means "all statuses". OPEN is a special shortcut that means "all open statuses". |
Resolution | Make the first word of your search the name of any resolution, or even an abbreviation of any resolution, and bugs with that resolution will be searched. For example, making FIX the first word of your search will find all bugs with a resolution of FIXED . |
Priority | "P1" (as a word anywhere in
the search) means "find bugs with the highest priority.
"P2" means the second-highest priority, and so on.
Searching for "P1-3" will find bugs in any of the three highest priorities, and so on. |
Assignee | @value |
Product or Component | :value |
Flags | flag?requestee |
Comment or Summary | #value |
It is pretty easy to write rather complex queries without too much effort. For very complex queries, you have to use the Advanced Search form.